Lego Masters & Glass Blowers & Broadway Set Designers, Oh my!
A Highlight Reel of the Food Network’s ‘Buddy VS. Christmas’
December was an eventful month in an eventful, horizonless year, so you can be forgiven for not catching the best show on television amid the fray!
Luckily for you, I’ve strung together something of a ‘best bits’ compilation for you to take a look at before you dive whisk-first into the series.
Buddy VS. Christmas was so much fun to shoot. I was hosting and judging alongside Courtney Quinn (@ColorMeCourtney) and haven’t eaten so many baked goods in my life. It’s a miracle my pants fit by week 4.
Between the Broadway set-designers, Glass-blowers, Lego Masters, and Animatronic puppet-masters, there was a lot to marvel at across the series. I was blown away by the creativity of all of the teams — including Buddy’s.
Shooting the show in Summer and Autumn of 2020 under very tight COVID-restrictions was a huge challenge, but every person on the production team pulled miracles out of their hats every week to make it work. I’m excited for you to see how it came out.
You can watch the entire season now on Amazon Prime.
PS. Yes, Buddy did severely injure his hand while we were shooting the show, but it didn’t happen on set. You can read more about that here.