Stop looking at Screens on Sunday.

No emails. No texts. Definitely No Socials. Give your eyes a break.

Jason Chatfield
1 min readMay 21, 2023

I’ve noticed more and more amid the army of post-pandemic remote workers, the tendency to ‘get ahead for the week’ or ‘catch up on last week’ during their downtime on Saturday and Sunday.

I can sympathise with the need to triage the torrent of correspondence to keep it at some semblance of manageable levels. The thing is: email breeds email. Also, you stare at a screen non-stop every day of your life. For most of the day.

Give your eyes a rest. Give your brain a rest. At least give it a try.
If you must send emails on one of the days of the weekend, at least make it a “Schedule Send” for Monday AM, but make it a rule: No screens on one of the weekend days: Saturday or Sunday. Rest is as important as the work you do.

Anyone who emails me on a Sunday receives an auto-generated response that looks like this:

Guess what: The world doesn’t end. It’s wild.
Try it at your end for six weeks. Tell me your brain doesn’t thank you for it.



Jason Chatfield
Jason Chatfield

Written by Jason Chatfield

New York-based Australian Comedian & Cartoonist for the New Yorker. Obsessed with productivity hacks, the creative process, and the Oxford comma.

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